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How to Create a She-Shed


Have you heard the term “She-Shed”?

Well, you’re about to...

It really is a thing! 

I guess you could say it’s like crafty girls version of the “bloke’s shed”. You know what I mean - that ‘fortress of solitude’ that many Australian men retreat to on a regular basis. 

The good thing about a She-Shed is, strictly speaking, it doesn’t even need to be outside in the shed! 

She-Shed’s seem to be more about making yourself a space to create, make, and be inspired.  I like to think of my She-Shed as a place to relax and recharge - when I’m painting and creating, I’m in the ‘happy zone’. It’s like therapy! 

My first she-shed was a part of the machinery shed at our old farm. A while after we moved to where we are now, I commandeered the old, corrugated iron double garage. I dragged all the old junk out, pressure washed everything, painted the floors in paving paint, had a few extra lights and power points added, and Voila! I had a space where I could sneak away and loose myself in my painting. 

I’ve since been fortunate enough to secure a small studio in the same space as our business office and dispatch area. It’s a beautiful, old heritage building with high ceilings and gorgeous, natural light. 


My new craft/planning desk area at our new Bird on the Hill Studio space. (My happy place)


But don’t stress if you don’t have a spare fitted out shed for your crafty endeavours - as I said before, the concept of the She-Shed is  about developing your own space to fuel your creative embers. 

Here’s some Pinterest She-shed Inspo...


So, what do you need?

Basically, anything you like can go in your She-Shed space, but here are some things I think are important to consider...

1. Making sure you are safe from the elements. 

As wonderful as it is to spend time outside, if you want your creative space to be outdoors, you need to consider how hot, or cold, the area can get, if there is protection from direct sunlight, and can it keep out the creepy crawlies? Trust me, there is nothing worse than a big, fat snake in your shed to disrupt your “calm space”! I’m not fond of rodents either, and bugs and dust can damage the surface of your newly painted furniture by getting stuck in wet paint. 

2. Find a spot with natural light and ventilation.

We all feel better with a little fresh air and a nice, light room, but it’s also a safety thing - too dim, you may risk a trip or fall. Not enough ventilation can mean sanding dust, chemicals, and older paints and stains can make you sick. If you don’t have a well ventilated area, you will have to do the jobs using the things listed above outside. 

3. Have a “Clean Up” bay. 

If your space is in a spot where you don’t have access to running water, it’s a good idea to create a bench at waist height or a little lower, where you can place a bucket of warm, soapy water, some paper towel, an old towel or two, and the furniture painters secret weapon - baby wipes. This way, you have everything you need to clean your hands, you clothes if need be, and you can pop your dirty brushes in the bucket when you’re done to make it easier to carry them to the laundry/mud room for them to be washed. 

4. A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.

I have to admit - I’m a bit of a messy painter. I usually end up with bits and pieces spread all around me whilst I’m working on a project. Because I know it’s easier to find all the stuff I need if it’s put somewhere logical, I also have a few areas where I store my items, making them quickly accessible when next needed. At the end of the project, it only takes a few minutes for me to put everything away again, restoring order. 


If you are looking for a good way to store your painting supplies, consider a trolley, or other type of furniture that is mobile. I have two IKEA Raskog trolleys, and they store just about everything I need, putting them within easy reach no matter which part of the room I’m working in. 

5. Room to move.

You don’t need to have a huge space to set up your She-Shed studio, but try to make sure that there is enough space for you to freely more around the largest sized piece of furniture you think you would tackle painting. This means less risk of injury from over stretching, and it makes it easier for you to eye-ball your piece from all angles, allowing you to see if there is anything missed! 


So, are you ready to go? 

Don’t forget the flowers, scented candle and reminders of things that make you happy. The focus of a She-Shed is not just for working in, it’s to The-work-planning-space-at-the-Bird-on-the-Hill-Studio-in-Temora-NSW-Australiafeed your soul. 

Check out our Collections page to find all the essential tools, our premium quality furniture paint and lots of little extras to make your She-Shed extra special.



Happy painting,

Corrina xx
